Global Policy’s February 2016 issue contains, among others, research articles on constitutionalizing austerity, thinking beyond GDP, China’s labour standards and natural disasters. It has a special section on ‘Governing Cyberspace: Building Confidence, Capacity and Consensus’, edited by Sash Jayawardane, Jorisk Larik and Mahima Kaul. It also features a debate over current climate proposals, and practitioner commentaries on stateless persons and the EU’s arctic strategy.
Research Articles
Stephen McBride - Constitutionalizing Austerity: Taking the Public out of Public Policy
Lorenzo Fioramonti - A Post-GDP World? Rethinking International Politics in the 21st Century
Ilan Noy - A Global Comprehensive Measure of the Impact of Natural Hazards and Disasters
Special Section - Governing Cyberspace: Building Confidence, Capacity and Consensus, edited by Sash Jayawardane, Joris Larik and Mahima Kaul
Chelsey Slack - Wired yet Disconnected: The Governance of International Cyber Relations
Mark T. Fliegauf - In Cyber (Governance) We Trust
Patryk Pawlak - Capacity Building in Cyberspace as an Instrument of Foreign Policy
Survey Articles
Ian Hurd - Enchanted and Disenchanted International Law
Bjorn Lomborg - Impact of Current Climate Proposals
Practitioner Commentaries
Vicente Lopez-Ibor Mayor - The EU Needs a New Arctic Strategy
Johanna K. Schenner - Stateless Persons and the Question of Rights
Response to Article
Robert E.T. Ward - Comment on ‘Impact of Current Climate Proposals’
Review Essay
Peter Wagner - Modernity, Capitalism and Crisis: Understanding the New Great Transformation