The May 2019 issue of Global Policy has, amongst others, research articles on global health governance, tax spillover, global financial regulation, China's Belt Road Initiative and solar geoengineering. There are survey articles on grants based multi-lateral funding and the US-China policy debate. It also includes policy insights on informality and the G7, inequality agendas in the G7 and G20, and why the petrostate won't end as the global energy transition continues. There is a keynote on altruism, global extinction and animal welfare.
Research Articles
Global Financial Regulation: Shortcomings and Reform Options - Emily Jones Peter Knaack
Narrating China's belt and road initiative - Jinghan Zeng
Institutional Drift in International Biotechnology Regulation - Florian Rabitz
Survey Articles
From Engagement to Competition? The Logic of the US China Policy Debate - Nien‐chung and Chang‐Liao
Global Extinction and Animal Welfare: Two Priorities for Effective Altruism - Yew‐Kwang Ng
Policy Insights
How Informality Can Address Emerging Issues: Making the Most of the G7 -
Practitioner Commentary
Globalisation and Transatlantic Economic Policy - Edward Price