Editorial Board

Caroline S. Wagner
C.J. Polychroniou
Juergen Braunstein
Robert Falkner
Professor Ann Florini
Thomas Hale
Gleider Hernández
Dr Mathias Koenig-Archibugi
Marion Laboure
Kate Macdonald
Anthony McGrew
Dr Eva-Maria Nag
Lauge Poulsen
Danny Quah
Professor Dani Rodrik
Joel Sandhu
Antonio Savoia
Anmol Saxena
Catherine Turner

Advisory Board

Professor Tim Besley
Professor Jagdish Bhagwati
Professor John Braithwaite
Professor Mick Cox
Professor Geoffrey Garrett
Professor Takatoshi Ito
Professor Mary Kaldor
Professor Robert Keohane
Andreas Klasen
Professor Sebastiano Maffettone
Professor Jeffrey Sachs
Professor Lord Nicholas Stern
Professor Joseph Stiglitz
Professor Ngaire Woods
Professor Tianbiao Zhu

Practitioners' Board

Mr Lakhdar Brahimi
Richard Burge
Augustin Carstens Carstens
Howard Davies
Bill Emmott
Pascal Lamy
Chris Miller
Alastair Newton
James Orbinski
Javier Solana
George Soros
Professor Muhammad Yunus

Andreas Goldthau

Willy Brandt School at the University of Erfurt
Professor for Public Policy at the Willy Brandt School at the University of Erfurt
Franz Haniel Professor for Public Policy at the Willy Brandt School
Research Group Leader at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies


Dr Andreas Goldthau is the Franz Haniel Professor for Public Policy at the Willy Brandt School at the University of Erfurt. He is also Research Group Leader at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies. Before joining the Brandt School Professor Goldthau served as Professor in International Relations at Royal Holloway College, University of London and as Professor at Central European University's School of Public Policy. He was a Marie Curie Senior Fellow with the Geopolitics of Energy Project at Harvard Kennedy School and an Adjunct Professor with John Hopkins' MSc program in energy policy and climate. He also held postdoctoral appointments at the Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, the RAND Corporation and the German Institute for International and Security Affairs. Prof. Goldthau is non-resident fellow with the Payne Institute at the Colorado School of Mines, the Global Public Policy Institute and the German Council on Foreign Relations.

Prof. Goldthau's academic interests lie in energy security, global energy governance and the political economy of the low carbon transition. His publications include The Politics of Shale Gas in Eastern Europe (Cambridge University Press, 2018), the Handbook of the International Political Economy of Energy and Natural Resources (Edward Elgar, 2018), Energy Union. Europe's new Liberal Mercantilism? (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), A Liberal Actor in a Realist World: The EU Regulatory State and the Global Political Economy of Energy (Oxford University Press, 2015), The Global Energy Challenge: Environment, Development and Security (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), the Wiley Handbook on Global Energy Policy (Wiley Blackwell, 2013), Dynamics of Energy Governance in Europe and Russia (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), Global Energy Governance: The New Rules of the Game (Brookings Press, 2010), Imported Oil and US National Security (RAND, 2009) and OPEC (Hanser, 2009).