The implementation of the 2016 Peace Agreement has produced one of the most comprehensive and exhaustive peacebuilding efforts to date. The ambitious peace agreement, centred around six core themes, has expanded the scope of peacebuilding into areas that traditionally have been largely ignored or overlooked by policymakers. While the implementation process is still maintaining an overall trajectory that can be considered as success, the same process is still poised with a range of engdogenous and exogenous challenges that may undermine both the pace and the quality of peacebuilding efforts. This article surveys the current trends in the implementation phase, highlighting the key dynamics that stand in the way of an effective and timely implementation of the Colombian peace plan. In addition to exploring the emerging challenges to the liberal peacebuilding approach, this article also highlights the significance of concurrent opportunities and liabilities that stem from developmental approaches to peacebuilding.
Photo by Andrius La Rotta